I Am A Garbage Human Being: Weeks 14 -27
11:54 AMLet me start off first by defending myself: I technically never stopped listening to an album a week. I just stopped writing about them. I'm not proud.
You know that when someone starts off by defending themselves instead of apologizing for their misdeeds, they're probably not worth your time. I swear, I'm not like everyone else.I can change! I promise!
Even though I should be stewing in a pit of shame somewhere, I'm actually really excited about all the music I've been listening to. Whenever I hear someone born before 1975 claim "there's no good music anymore" something inside me explodes, and I have about a millisecond before one of the following responses bursts forth:
2. I'm sure that's true, if you have 3 radio stations pre-programed into your 2003 Honda Odyssey and you spend most of your commute listening to things like "the morning zoo" and people over 40 trying to talk about "The Biebs" and "Life Hacks."
3. Please stop talking
4. Dumb stare
5. A combination of all of the above
Honestly, I should start teaching a class on how to buy a cell phone and pay for a music subscription service, because I'm tired of overhearing this conversation. It's almost always when I accidentally find myself at some random neighborhood dive bar, The Summer of '69 (vom) is blaring over the speakers, and a bunch of guys drinking Bud Lights are reminiscing over when they didn't have guts, and their wives had sex with them. Super rock'n'roll stuff.
Now, let me talk to you about all of the great music I've been listening to, (while I simultaneously pour one out for all the sad people that will never hear of these artists because they only know how to operate Yahoo's homepage and Facebook.)
Week 14: April 4- April 10
A New Place 2 Drown by Archy Marshall
A New Place 2 Drown sounds completely different than Archy's work as King Krule, but it's hard not to listen to them back to back. Archy's voice is so strong and so unique that it's hard to not see them as one in the same.
Week 15: April 11- April 17
Painting of A Panic Attack by Frightened Rabbit
To be honest, my memories of this album are a bit of a blur. It was the week my grandpa died, and I spent a lot of time driving to see family, and listening to music un-emotionally, and halfheartedly.
It really didn't stand out to me as being notably different than any of their other albums (or the Owl John solo project), but was delivered as another Frightened Rabbit album to a dedicated fan base. I didn't hate it. I just like to be a little surprised sometimes.
Week 16: April 18- 24
Jackrabbit by Sam Fermin
This album had been playing in my apartment for weeks before I actually started listening to it. Chris had been obsessed for awhile, and kept trying to get me to listen to it. I acted like the distant and distracted father in a quirky family film trying to make room for it in my line-up
"Well, I don't know son, that week was supposed to be Sia's new album, but I'll see if I can have my secretary move some things around for me. I promise I'll listen to it, and make your T-ball game this time. Promise."
Spoiler, I missed the T-ball game and disappointed him. BUT I end up listening to the album and realize how I've been such a tool for not listening sooner. Finally, we have a happy reunion while the titular track plays in the background. THE END. Moral of the story: I am a great girlfriend and a terrible father, and this album is all the fun you're missing.
Week 17: April 25- May 1
This is Acting by Sia
More like: This is going to be straightforward. Every track sounds about the same, she does that sing-scream that brings you to your knees, and can make me dance no matter where I am.
I will admit though, by the time I reach the end of the album, all I want to do is listen to Rihanna sing the music Sia wrote instead of Sia,
Week 18: May 2- May 8
Armour EP by Tender
I was really lazy this week and listened to an EP instead of an album. This EP isn't crazy or groundbreaking, but let me tell you, it is in line just behind Sufjan Stevens for great nap music. That might sound like a diss, but it's not. Unless you're white noise, or a CD of whale calls, there isn't much that can get me sleepy. So, good on you, Tender.
Week 19: May 9- May 15
The Colour in Anything by James Blake
Just kidding. There are more good "nap bands" than I had originally calculated.
Week 20: May 16- May 22
2.0 by Big Data
This album is hard to google, the album art is ridiculous, but I came for the Kimbra collab, and I'll be damned if it wasn't the best track on this thing.
That woman's existence is a work of art.
Week 21: May 23- May 29
ANTI by Rihanna
I had this on my list for "at some point" until the babe that colors my hair told me "that album is dope. She does a Tame Impala cover." It was immediately moved to the top of my list. The whole album is a little all over the place, to be honest, but when you're in the mood for RiRi, even that gets a pass.
Week 22: May 30-June 5
WHERE HAVE I BEEN, Y'ALL?? I can't count the number of times people were recommending this to me last year, and I completely brushed it off as "yeah, well it's awesome...for a musical."
I am an obsessed convert. Now when someone cuts me off when I'm driving, I don't swear or flip my middle finger. I roll down my window, and start screaming the 10 Duel Commandments. If someone forms a cult/religion, sign me up.
Week 23: June 6-June 12
A Moon Shaped Pool by Radiohead
I'm going to be completely up front with you when I say that for the next few weeks I was listening to my new album 5% of the time, and re-listening to Hamilton the rest of the time. Love the new Radiohead, but *shocker* it's a little depressing to listen to on a girls' trip to Vegas with your mom.
Week 24: June 13-19
Coloring Book by Chance the Rapper
Everything Chance creates is pure black magic. Listening to this album was one of the most joyful experiences I've had this summer. I don't practice any religion, but this is about as close to going to church and having a religious experience as I have gotten.
Week 25: June 20-26
Love You to Death by Tegan and Sara
Every time the Quin twins announce a new album, the 16-year-old inside me freaks out a whole bunch. I have fond memories of hating everyone around me, wearing too much eyeliner and listening to The Con.
Much like I've blossomed into a young, vibrant and happily medicated woman, so too have the Quin girls grown their music to be less angry.
Week 26: June 27-July 3
Tween by Wye Oak
Love this album art, love the ethereal edge Wye Oak has grown. I'm not sure my dad and I can cover any songs on here like we've covered Civilian to death, but that's probably a good thing for the people around us.