Week 2: Blackstar by David Bowie

10:51 AM

This week I'll be listening to Blackstar by David Bowie

Originally, I had slotted Joanna Newsom's album Divers for this week. However, given the circumstances I've decided that this would be a better selection. I listened to it on my way in to work this morning, and I would be lying if I told you I didn't cry the most painful tears in 9 degree weather. I even wore water-proof mascara today, even though it is usually reserved for weddings, and nights out. Today was an unfortunate exception. 

If you don't want to listen to this, do something else today that holds Bowie's life in the light. I'm going to watch The Snowman tonight so that I can laugh a little bit about the ridiculous intro Bowie does. I also plan on watching my favorite episode of Extras where David Bowie improvises a degrading song about Ricky Gervais.

If you need a pick-me-up today, I recommend this video

I have nothing witty or insightful to say today. For some reason, I had it in my head that he would outlive us all and this day would never come. Being wrong blows.

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